Episode #416 Personal Transformation: Insights from Dr. Robb Kelly on Addiction Recovery and Overcoming Obstacles


“You can fully recover from anything you're going through, depression, PTSD, I don't care what it is."

Dr. Robb Kelly

PhD Psychologist | Behavioral Scientist | Nuroscience Expert


Dr. Robb Kelly is a PhD psychologist, behavioral scientist, and neuroscience expert with over 30 years of experience helping individuals overcome challenges related to childhood trauma, depression, PTSD, and addiction. He has a strong focus on personal identity and empowering individuals to achieve their best lives.

Dr. Robb joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to:

  • Overcoming obstacles leads to greatness;

  • Identifying and changing neural pathways for behavioral change;

  • Family involvement is crucial in the recovery process;

  • Resilience and mindset play key roles in recovery journey.

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Point of Contact:** Listeners can get in touch with Dr. Robb Kelly through his official website 

**Special Offers:** Dr. Robb Kelly offers personalized one-on-one coaching sessions and online programs for individuals seeking support in addiction recovery and personal transformation.


#AddictionRecovery #PersonalTransformation #MentalHealth #DrRobbKelly #NeuroscienceExpert #ResilienceJourney


Episode #417 A Refugee's Journey to Success!


Episode #415 Finding Joy Through Adversity: Lessons from Christopher Cochran's Inspirational Journey