Episode #68: Making It Happen with the Real Life Wizard of Oz featuring Steve D Sims
“Too many people focus too much attention on working out why it can't happen and I'm the guy that sits on go, okay, we know what the goal is. Now, let's make it real.”
Steve D Sims
Our society is made up of various types of individuals. There are those who spend much of their waking day wishing things would happen, then there others who are content with idly standing by and watching things happen and then we have those go-getters who regularly achieve their goals and check off their to-do-list by making things happen.
The latter tend to be the ones who don’t wait and are considered to be more successful because they're the ones who actively pursue the things that want to happen.
Over the past several years, Steve D. Sims has quietly earned the reputation of being the real life Wizard Of Oz to the world’s wealthiest celebrities, professional athletes, and successful entrepreneurs. He’s established the knack for making the impossible possible and making people's wildest dreams come true.
In 1994, six years before Sims formally founded his company The Bluefish, he’d already earned a secret society reputation as the go-to guy to make anything happen when “no” isn’t an option and money isn’t an issue. Sims isn’t without competitors, but while most of them tinker over private jet cocktail preferences like “glorified travel agents”, The Bluefish has built a global reputation for trafficking in one of the rarest commodities left on the planet—passion.
“If you want to do something as of today. Try it. Don't write about it. Don't plan it. Don't put on a frickin bar graph or pie chart. Try it, fail, get educated. Learn from that failure. With that failure, you’ve now created an experience.”
The real life Wizard of Oz and founder and CEO of the luxury concierge service, Bluefish Steve Sims makes an appearance on The Audacious Living Podcast and shares his insights into the art of making things happen for people which includes having Andrea Bocelli seranade his clients for a private lunch at the feet of Michelangelo’s David in a closed museum in Florence.
Click here for more details about the Steve.
Steve Sims is up next on The Audacious Living Podcast!
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