Episode #70: The Complete Man: Creating a Victorious Life featuring Purdeep Sangha
“This book was basically a way to help a lot of men basically re establish themselves while being able to continue and perform better achieve everything that they want life and be more fulfilled because I think ultimately, we live this life once and so we might as well live it to the fullest.“
Purdeep Sangha
At some point or another, we all aspire to live an impactful life or be a person of great significance to others. The path to getting there isn't always a straight and narrow road. There are times when we have to re-evaluate our situation because the way we’re living isn’t in line with the life we want.
Creating an ideal life for ourselves is a process that starts with each of us individually and no one else can tell you how to live your life nor can they create it for you either.
This is where Purdeep Sangha comes in.
Sangha is widely known as "The Strategist For Businessmen", the CEO and founder of The Complete Man, an award-winning author, podcaster and speaker.
He teaches men how to become The Complete Man; a man who achieves ultimate performance, fulfillment and victory in every area of his life.
“Here's the challenge, though a lot of people get stuck in between these two frameworks (performance and achievement), especially as men, because we're taught to perform and we're taught to achieve. But we miss out on the third framework, which is the fulfillment aspect, and that is really, truly being fulfilled with life itself. But us as individuals, if you are truly fulfilled with who you are, as a person, doesn't matter what you have on the outside, you still have a joyful life.”
In his book, The Complete Man: Achieve Ultimate Performance, Fulfillment and Victory in Every Area of Your Life, Sangha reveals the key strategies and practical action steps for ultimate personal performance and success in business or career, passion in our relationships, and fulfillment in every area of life.
Purdeep joins the The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss his work where he coaches and teaches men how to become The Complete Man, the three pillars of performance; achievement and fulfillment and importance of having clarity and knowing what we want out of life.
Purdeep is up next on The Audacious Living Podcast!
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