Episode #87: You've Got The Power featuring Gail Rudolph


“We don't realize that energy or you know, power is actually energy, it's our energy, it happens, it ebbs and flows with every conversation we have. We don't know how to step into our power in the appropriate way.”

Gail Rudolph


Our personal power is one of those things that exist inside of us but isn’t visible in the same manner that we can’t see the power that charges our cell phone when we plug it in. While many seem to think that the origin of our power is tied into our position, title or role - its actually much deeper than that. Essentially, Personal power is a source of influence and authority a person has over his or her followers. It’s based on strength, confidence, and competence that individuals gradually acquire in the course of their development. Its something that we all have.

Personal power plays a big part in our ability to be successful and happy. It also helps us get what we want, feel safe, and remain confident that we are playing a part in this world and not that the world is playing us. The important thing to remember is that power is at play in every situation.

“We always have it and it's energy and it's limitless. See, I think what happens a lot of times with us is that we get in our mindset that that because somebody says something like that, that we need to feel lesser than that somehow we think we're not enough. And when we can stand in our personal power, when we know that we're enough, then then it can come out, we can demonstrate it in those situations and create those win win opportunities.”

Gail Rudolph is the author of Power Up Power Down, How to Reclaim Control and Make Every Situation a Win/Win.” Her years as an executive manoeuvring power dynamics has transformed her into the go-to expert on how to harness interpersonal power and create win/win outcomes. Gail is one of 13 people globally —one of two women, and the only woman in the US credentialed to teach the six universal Principles of Persuasion based on the research of the ‘Godfather of Influence,’ Dr Robert Cialdini.

Click here to learn more about Gail and her work.

Gail is up next on The Audacious Living Podcast

#Power #People #Dynamic #PowerUp #PowerDown #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


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