Episode #262: Mastering Mind Persuasion Featuring George Hutton


“What defines ourselves is how other people will define us. And most people never really get that most people are looking to define themselves based on how other people define them."

George Hutton

Hypnotist | Persuasion Expert


George Hutton is a renowned expert in persuasion, hypnosis, and communication skills. With over 10 years of experience, George has been dedicated to teaching people how to become more persuasive in both their written and spoken communication. His background in physics and copywriting led him to a deep curiosity about human nature and the factors that drive people's behaviors.

George believes in the importance of inner game over outer game when it comes to effective communication, emphasizing the significance of building confidence, beliefs, and overcoming obstacles on the inside to improve external interactions.

George joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss:

  • George focuses on teaching people how to become more persuasive in communication, emphasizing the inner game as crucial;

  • He uses conversational hypnosis, storytelling techniques, and reframing to help individuals overcome obstacles and achieve personal growth;

  • Daily journaling and self-reflection are essential practices George advocates for evaluating progress and planning for improvement.

To learn more about George and his work, check out his website.

#PersuasionMastery #InnerGame #CommunicationSkills #SelfReflection #OvercomingObstacles #Experiences #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


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