Episode #324 Seriously Re-Thinking Weight Loss! Featuring Allan & Angie Thomas


“You have to be the king or queen of your own kingdom when it comes to health."

Allan Thomas

Weight Loss Coach


Alan and Angie are a husband and wife duo who have successfully overcome obesity and transformed their lives through conscious lifestyle changes. They share their inspiring journey to health with others, focusing on the importance of taking responsibility and rethinking habits related to food and exercise.

Alan and Angie join Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss:

  • Alan and Angie emphasize the significance of rethinking lifestyle choices, consciously taking responsibility for health, and facing challenges head-on.

  • Creating a roadmap to sustainable weight loss and overall well-being

  • Empowering individuals to become experts on themselves.

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Listeners can connect with Alan & Angie through their website where they share insights, stories, and tips for a healthier lifestyle journey.

#RethinkHealth #ConsciousChoices #HealthyLivingJourney #LiveAudaciously #Experiences #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


Episode #325 Unlocking Healing Capacities through Vision Quests and Meditation with Ben Oofana


Episode #323 Master the Stage & Give Them Goosebumps! Featuring Miroslav Petrovic