Episode #100: Its the One Hundredth Episode!


It's so easy to lose sight of our accomplishments in the midst of the distractions of life but it's important that we take the time to pause, reflect and take stock of our successes and celebrate the heck out of our wins.

Audley Stephenson


As The Audacious Living Podcast celebrates its 100th episode, Audley pauses and reflects back on the top five lessons learned over the course of the last 100 episodes.

Top 5 Lessons Learned

  1. You are enough!

  2. The greatest lessons come from our setbacks!

  3. Get in the game!

  4. Live your authentic truth!

  5. Share your story!

Its a reflective show with a lot of great worthwhile lessons.

#Episode100 #Audacious #Adversity #Milestone #Experiences #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #Celebrate #CelebrateYourWins #BeAudacious📢


Episode #101: Taking Control of Your Career Featuring Terry McDougall


Episode #99: The Possibilities Magic Creates Featuring Brandon Love