Episode #138 Using Your Brain The Right Way! Featuring Liam Naden
“There have been books written about the power of the brain, but it is far and away the most powerful computer, if you like that exists on the planet.”
Liam Naden
Speaker | Teacher | Author
Research tells us that the human brain is broken down into different parts with each having its own specific function or task. For example, there's a creative side that is responsible for is generating new ideas and insights whereas the problem solving side of our brain tends to focus on solving complicated tasks. Have you noticed that many of your best ideas probably came when you were in the shower, listening to music, or taking a walk? It’s because, during these activities, we don’t need to focus on figuring out problems, we can relax and turn off that part of the brain and the creativity will naturally flow.
The key for us is to find ways to spend as much time as possible in that natural creative space. Figuring out what you’re best at, switching up your routine, embracing other perspectives and resist any form of procrastination are some of the things you can do to tap into your natural creative ability. Those things combined with the courage to take action and stamina to keep it going .
“When you understand that worry, stress and anxiety puts your brain in the wrong state, for creating your life and really giving you any hope of overcoming what you think are your problems,you understand that you can you say fear is the enemy. I've got to find out a way to stop being afraid or stop feeling bad.”
Liam Naden is a speaker, teacher, author and researcher. He teaches Neuro-State Rebalancing (NSR), a process for eliminating problems and taking control of your life by rebalancing the four parts of your brain. Through research into the brain, neuroscience, psychology and human behaviour - as well as his own personal transformation - Liam Naden has uncovered how your brain is biologically designed to bring you a happy and fulfilling life.
Liam joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss the mechanics of the brain, the adverse effects that fear, worry and stress have on our brains and he teaches how individuals can use theirown brain the way it is designed to be used.
For more information on Liam and his work, visit his website.
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