Episode #143: The Gold of Unresolved Trauma Featuring Greg Wieting


“So what might have been something that was humiliating could actually give rise to like, our greatest dignity and the experiences that embolden the most terror can actually help us realize the greatest courage. I think that's the path of healing.”

Greg Wieting


Each and every single one of us can probably dig up a story from our past in which we experiencd some form of tragedy or misfortune that's left a mark or impact on us in some way. From serious illnesses to tragic events, everyone accumulates their share of sad and crazy stories to tell.

But that doesn’t mean we need to carry the weight of those events on our shoulders as we move forward through life especially since we know that trauma can have physical consequences on our bodies. We each have a choice over how we react to the not-so-great things that inevitably arise and upset our worlds now and again. Letting go of the past can be challenging. Events that people found difficult can have a significant influence on their daily life, from their beliefs to the decisions they make.

However, there are ways to address the lingering effects of past experiences. This may involve practicing self-compassion, trying mindfulness as a way of focusing on the present moment, or seeking therapy to explore unresolved feelings.

And in fact, if we learn how to, we can actually bundle up those awful experiences and turn them into a gift.

“Trauma imprints itself in the body so all the subconscious beliefs and behaviors are literally stored in the tissues in the cells, that's creating stagnation, that's creating inflammation that's compromising immune function. That's creating the brain fog that's creating all sorts of imbalances with the hormones and the neurotransmitters. When we start to heal the trauma, all of that starts to repattern and heal as well.”

Greg Wieting helps leaders and entrepreneurs heal anxiety, depression, chronic pain and trauma so they can lead with bold and courageous hearts.
For two decades he's helped hundreds of clients reduce or eliminate their dependence on antidepressants, anxiety, pain and sleep meds. He addresses the unique causative factors at play beneath your pain - namely the unresolved trauma that causes inflammation, compromises immune function, stagnates emotion, fogs thought and creates hormonal imbalance.

He joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss the kind of impact trauma can have on our bodies through pain, healthy ways we can relate to stress and how we can be more empowered to take risks as opposed to not taking action out of fear.

To learn more about Greg and his work, visit his website.

#Trauma #Healing #UnresolvedTrauma #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


Episode #144: The Taller Poppy Syndrome Featuring Doug Garland


Episode #142: Your Personal Brand! Featuring Mary Henderson