Episode #159: The Power of One Drop! Featuring Jason Tyler Mclean


"I tell people to just take that first one, do one pushup, write one word, go for one walk, go one day without a cigarette, whatever it is. You just got to think of it like this big powerful waterfall started with only one drop of water"

Jason Tyler Mclean

Author | Speaker | Mental Health Advocate


We live in a world where much uncertainty and doubt exist and little to no advanced notice is available about what's coming around the corner. At one time, we were able to plan out or predict every step on our journey to success, that no longer is the case. In today’s environment, change is the only constant but the unknown shouldn't hold us back from taking the first step.  

Courage isn’t about knowing the path it’s just about taking the first step. All accomplishment starts with the decision to begin. Making the first step generates a momentum – a power force that if followed and sustained can get you to your goals. Life rewards those who are willing to be involved in it and take chances. You should not wait until the situation is perfect because the situation will never be perfect. 

If you're wanting to take that first step then do it today, don’t hesitate just act.

“When people think of purpose, they always think like, I gotta find my purpose in life. But how about finding your purpose in every moment or find your purpose in every day? Because it’s that one drop of water that builds a waterfall. Find the purpose in the moment you’re in and it starts with that first drop of water.”

Jason Tyler McLean is a Winnipeg, Canada based author, speaker, and educator. He lives with mental illness and has made it his purpose to share his story to help empower others who are amid struggle with mental health issues, to influence in a positive way that through story telling and taking action that lives can transform, and improve the relationship with ourselves in hopes to establish connection with each other. His vision is to unite as many minds as possible with the purpose of disabling the stigma that casts a dark shadow over mental health and mental illness.

He joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to reflect on his personal journey and the turning point in his life, the importance of self-care and the everyday challenges those struggling with mental health face on an everyday basis.

For more information about Jason’s work or to order a copy of his book One Drop of Water, visit his website.

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