Episode #158: Broken For The Purpose! Featuring Tameka Bright


“You've got to realize the difference between joy and happiness, for me happiness is an emotion that's brought on by circumstances. But that joy is just something that no matter what the circumstances are. At the end of the day, this is what you have, and it can't be taken away.”

Tameka Bright

Radio Show Host | Author | Speaker 


When things are going our way and everything is good, it takes no special skill, strategy or discipline to enjoy the things life has to offer. Oftentimes the biggest test to our character appears in the midst of adversity and difficult setbacks. It’s at that point that our happiness and joy are truly put at risk. Finding moments of gratitude becomes harder, being appreciative of the gifts of life turns into a challenge and falling into a negative space suddenly becomes a reality as we stand at the edge of darkness.

Maintaining a sense of happiness in difficult times requires deliberate intentional action on our part that will help provide perspective that will allow us to realize that what we’re experiencing isn’t happening “to” us but rather “for” us.

When you consciously make an effort to pay attention on what makes you happy and use this as a platform to meet and overcome your challenges; you will be successful in doing just that – finding happiness, joy and peace.

“At 13 years old, you could not have sat me down and said, okay, at 15, your mom's gonna die, and at 20, your dad's gonna die. So by the time you turn, 21, you're going to be in college and both of your parents are going to be deceased. I would have been like, You crazy, like there's no way I'm going to survive through that but it happened.”

Tameka Bright is a radio show host, author and podcaster who has made it her personal mission to empower, inform and inspire others. Her book, “Broken For The Purpose,” is a journey through her life from adoption, to losing both of her parents before the age of 21 learning to deal with rejection to doing the unthinkable and learning to accept who she is.

She joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss how she was able to find joy and happiness in the most challenging times, her personal story of learning at a young age that was adopted and the importance of showing up as the best version of ourselves every single day even when we don’t feel like it.

To learn more about Tameka, visit her website.

#RadioHost #PinkConversations #Adoption #Setbacks #Challenges #Experiences #Successful #Motivational #BestLifeEver #AudaciousLiving #BeAudacious


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