Episode #21 Getting Fit For Success featuring Nick Shaw


“I think ultimately having the more internal locus of control, you focus on the things that you know, you can control versus things that you can't, you're going to be much better off, and they actually kind of tied together. So people that are more hopeful, well, they're more hopeful, and that the future is going to be better because they actually know that their actions matter.”

Nick Shaw


In Fit for Success, Nick Shaw details the habits successful people have in common and how we can develop those same habits to thrive — despite our obstacles. He later applied these lessons through his work at Renaissance Periodization to help hundreds of thousands of clients look, feel and perform their best. But it wasn’t until 2020 when his wife was diagnosed with breast cancer and facing months of treatments through the pandemic, that he had to really put those habits to the ultimate test.

This book vividly outlines the lessons he’s learned, valuable takeaways, and most importantly how you can apply these strategies to your own life.

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Episode #22: Our Seed of Potential featuring Jim Cathcart


Episode #20 Being You on Your Own Journey featuring Author & Speaker, Chris Cirak