Episode #147: Becoming a Divine Man! Featuring Kiko “Ise” Ellsworth
“I actually have something to offer now, not that I'm not discounting anything that I did, or who I was before, at all, at all. But now like, it's my saying, once you have you you have everything.. Now that I have me, I'm able to serve so much more and love and offer so much.”
Iseluleko Ma’at El 0 (formerly Kiko Ellsworth)
Emmy Award winner | Inspirational Speaker | Men’s Self-Mastery Coach
While the idea of getting lost may seem scary to some but there are times where it can prove to be very beneficial in the process of finding our true selves.
Losing our way on the pathway of life is completely normal. Our journey isn’t a narrow forward path but rather a rocky road with twists and turns that can send us in all sorts of ways to veer us off course. It can happen quite easily because we’re not always aware of the impulse choices we make and how they’re contributing to the person we’re supposed to be. In other instances, we may find ourselves listening to voices outside of us instead of following our own intuition.
To avoid getting lost altogether, continually question your choices by asking yourself why while making sure that our inner knowing is speaking to whatever it is you are considering, use your own voice and don't rush into your decisions.
You are the expert on your own life. You must believe in yourself, your strengths and your abilities. When you move forward honoring you, life can be so much more exciting. You see all that you are and all that you are capable of.
“A divine man is one who's tapped into ways of a healthy emotional world. He sees himself as a divine being, he loves himself and he knows how to do that. And therefore he can see her, he can hear her. She feels heard and listened to, so he has a balanced perspective, he knows how to actually love himself and contribute.”
Ise (ee-say) is an Emmy Award winner, Inspirational Speaker and Men’s Self-Mastery Coach who's the founder of The Divine Man Self-Mastery Coaching Program that trains individuals and teams alike to perform as their highest self fulfilling his mission of "Once you have YOU, you have everything!"
He combines his vast array of rigorous life lessons, education and entertainment to deliver effective everyday personal development tools that inspire peak performance in individuals and teams alike.
Ise has appeared on hundreds of tv shows, films, commercials, and radio such as Lucifer, Bad Boys 2, Criminal Minds, General Hospital and many others while recently starring in the upcoming film “Alone Today” opposite Eric Roberts, Danny Trejo, Shannon Elizabeth and Frank Whaley to be released in 2023.
He joins Audley on The Audacious Living Podcast to discuss his self-mastery with helping men to develop, what it means to be a divine man and the importance of having a strong household.
To learn more about Isse and his work, visit his website.
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